The tech giant Google is currently building a new augmented reality device and an operating system platform that is going to enhance the lives of billions!

Recent Tech news states that – 

Google recently hired a lead for its Operating System team for Augmented Reality and posted job listings that indicate that the company is getting serious about AR. Most of the new roles are in the US, but some are located at the offices of Canadian smart glasses maker North, which Google acquired last year. Google has dabbled in AR before, but its interest appeared to cool down even as Facebook and Apple invested heavily in it. Apple and Facebook’s CEOs have both described AR as the next big computing platform after smartphones.

From the source –

Looks like the future of Augmented Reality is virtual wearables


Tools For Developing Augmented Reality Apps

  • ARToolKit. ARToolKit is a type of augmented reality software tool utilized in the development of AR apps
  • Vuforia. Vuforia is an all-inclusive SDK for augmented reality app development
  • LayAR
  • WikiTude
  • Kudan AR

As one of the most critical technologies in the augmented reality system, 3d registration technology enables virtual images to be superimposed accurately in the real environment.

Resources from

Requirements to become an AR developer!

AR developers chiefly need a mix of advanced computer vision skills, 3D modelling, and desktop, web, or mobile programming. A grasp of 3D modelling should include texturing, shading and rendering. Preferred programming languages can vary according to the platform but are usually C++ and C#.

Good luck to all those looking forward to venturing into the AR domain…

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